Sunday, February 25, 2007

First Sunday of Lent 2007

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew in me!"

Today we mark the first Sunday of Lent. It's been a few days already since Ash Wednesday and already am asking myself "How am I doing?" Yet as I ask, I realize that my focus should not be on "doing" but on "being." That is where I feel I am called to focus this Lent on being and becoming rather than merely on doing. Doing is important, and I still think that the disciplines of Lent are part of this process of focusing in on being and becoming. The disciplines help us take pause and remind us that this is a different period of time, a time set apart for renewal and reintegration, reviewing and revisioning.
The Sundays of Lent provide us with rest stops along the journey, places where we can take a deep breath and take stock and listen more closely to the voice of God speaking with us. In the community Eucharistic encounter, we feast at the table of God in order to be sent forth to be bread broken and wine poured for those we meet during the week.
This evening, at 6 p.m., our parish Pax Christi group (of which I am part) is sponsoring a prayerful gathering for peace (in recognition of the upcoming anniversary of the start of the war on Iraq). To gather together with a faith community in prayer at the Vesperian hour to pray for peace seems a fitting way to close this first Sunday of Lent and move into the week. Know that in my prayer this evening, I will be praying also for all those stop by my blog, those known and those unknown, asking God to fill you with peace as you continue your Lenten journey.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

"By Name I Have Called You..."

The Feast of the Presentation (or a designated day close to it) is set aside as a day to celebrate consecrated life. In dioceses throughout the United States, celebrations have been held, many during Evening Prayer and including a common renewal of vows and an affirmation of the call to religious life.

In celebration of religious life and consecrated religious, I thought it would be interesting to consider some of the unique histories and traditions of various religious communities. To do complete histories here would be impossible; however, I thought it would be interesting to pick an aspect of religious life and consider its traditions and how they have remained the same or changed over time.

The component I've decided to pick is "naming," the giving/selection of one's name in religious life. So, visitors, I invite you to share your community's traditions and practices around religious names in community.

When you visit here this week,

... please take a minute to say where you visit from. I recently started using blog stats, and it's been amazing to find out how many people actually drop by this blog so I thought it'd be fun to have my own "delurking week" here on "From Where I Write." Whether you are a regular visitor or a one time visitor, it would be great to hear from you!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Well, it finally happened.

What happened, you ask? I was "forced" to update to the new google blog when I logged in just now. I was holding off, avoiding making such a big change, but now it was made for me. I know, in the grand scheme of life, it's not really something about which to complain. So let's see after a few days what I think about the new google blog...