Saturday, May 22, 2010

Feast of the Queen of the Apostles

Today, the Saturday before Pentecost, is the observance of Mary, Queen of the Apostles. This is a special feast for the Pauline family of religious congregations founded by Blessed Fr. James Alberione. As baptized disciples of Christ Jesus and children of Mother Mary, it, too, is a day for all Catholics to celebrate. In honor of the feast, I am posting a link to the reflection I posted for this day last year.


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My Silence in the Blogosphere

This has been the longest I have ever gone without posting on my blog. The past months have been very filled. I have also been expanding my techno-literacy via Facebook and Twitter. No excuse, just an honest explanation. Today I resolved the matter of my password and am back here, still with stuff to say. I won't promise to post daily or frequently, but I will try to at least post more regularly.